Monday, August 18, 2014

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in Diversity

Everyone have intentions, based on the Ideal state of the shared universe in their imagination.
Everyone also have fear, based on the Un-ideal state of the shared universe in their imagination.
(From here on, I'll just refer "Ideal state of the shared universe" as "Intention to Create")

Many people wish none of their intention would be similar to another's fear, because it would possibly create conflict, which is also what the majority of people's Intention to Create is like.
When we apologize, we declare that we're aware of the similarity between what we intended to do and another person's fear. And most of us care about this reason, because our Intention to Create did not intentionally include such event.
This is one of the reason why I think is something that exists universally, within everyone and everything.

We're supposed to be in the moment, they say. But if we have to, we should only worry about the uncertain future. Uncertain past only start becoming an issue when dishonesty corrupts more and more of our major source of experience, which is each other.

Most of us don't realize it, but the more we spend effort worrying about the past, we're halving our chance to actually fulfill this "Intention to Create". Shouldn't we put more effort in something better?

Worrying about the past means realizing your body has an origin, which could be more than one thing, but one of them is definitely "you from a split second ago". The more you care about your origin, the more you worry about the past.
The less worry you have on that, the more you'll dare to try something new.
It's similar to walking:
If you're lost, you would worry if the direction where you're going is going to take you for the better or for the worse. But once a fire, a tower, or whatever start entering your far sight, you suddenly have a reason to go towards a certain way with more confidence.

At this point, some will probably assume my point is we should forget our roots and origin. Not at all. Like everything else, it's balance everywhere.
You can like when an event takes you closer to the faraway landmark, and you can not like when an events takes you further.
Just keep in mind our difference and how it can differ, and see it not only to separate us by factions, but also by how it can complement each other, strengthen, and evolve us.
First lets decide our first landmark. Lets get there. Can we?

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Happy Independence Day, Indonesia

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